
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
Strontian to Camusnagaul (19)
1653 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 106. Fri 9th Aug 2013 - West of Dorlin to Fiunary, 11 miles (1653 miles walked)

Mick ready to go
It started raining at half past eight last night and it was still raining while I was eating breakfast. The wind, which on previous days had died away by the morning, was still as strong and had swung round to be on the side of the tent.

Mick had woken at 3am and found the end of his tent swimming with water, the wind must have forced the rain under his tent, and a lot of his kit and clothes were soaked. He was not such a happy camper this morning.

One of the less joyful aspects of wild camping, when the weather is like this, is answering the call of nature!!

Rock Art
The cloud, which had been down at sea level, had started to lift before we left and by the time we had walked the 4 miles of track to get to the road at Drimnin the rain had ceased.

We had finally cleared Loch Sunart, heading south and we could see across to Tobermory and Mull.

On a small cleared area by the side of the road someone had been busy creating small piles of rock.

Watching the yachts and ferry
It was another short day, only 11 miles to the campsite at Fiunary.

This would be our last campsite and shower until we get to Ft William, 4 days away on Tuesday.

Hanging out the washing
It was a small campsite for Camping & Caravan Club members only and it had good views across the Sound of Mull which seemed quite busy with yachts and ferries.

The owner returned our site fees as a donation to our charity.

The weather improved enough for Mick to get his clothes dried out.