
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
Auchencairn to Carlisle (30)
2563 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 166. Mon 21st Oct 2013 - Barnbarroch to Southerness, 14 miles (2563 miles walked)

Mick on the shore at Rockcliffe
We left just after 09.00 taking the minor road to Kippford, it was dry to start with but the rain came within half an hour.

The road ended at Kippford but it was only half a mile along the shore to Rockcliffe.

Although the tide was out this part of the estuary was quite muddy, the bay at Rockcliffe looked sandy but it was all shells above the tide line.

Coastline to Castlehill Point
There was a footpath from Rockcliffe which climbed up to Castlehill Point then took to the cliff top.

This was a good path with great views along the coast, we should also have had good views across the Solway Firth to the hills of the Lake District but all we could see was cloud & mist.

Dave and the coastline from Castlehill Point
I should have taken my boots with me, my shoes are supposed to be waterproof but walking through wet grass was too much for them.

It didn't help when we went through a boggy patch, Mick was infront and, unusually, got across okay, I generally float across but much to Mick's amusement I sank up to my knees.

I don't think my feet have been this wet since I started back in March.

Port o' Warren
We came down to Port o' Warren then climbed up The Torrs before finally dropping back down to the shore at Sandyhills.

This is where Karen had booked the chalet so, as it was 11.45, we called in for an extended lunch break.

It was still raining when we set off again but I had put on a dry pair of socks and my boots, there would be no wet feet this time.

It was all road walking now for the 7 miles to Southerness and we got there with just enough time for a pot of tea in the hotel before catching the bus back to Sandyhills.

The fields at Southerness were full of geese feeding themselves up before moving to their winter grounds.

Field of geese taking flight

14 wet miles today.