
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
Botallack to Falmouth (46)
4077 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 267. Sat 8th Mar 2014 - Penzance to Poldhu Cove, 18 miles (4077 miles walked)

St Michael's Mount
This must be a record for 2014, 2 sunny days in a row.

It was a later start today, getting off the bus at Penzance at 09.10, the first hour was along the cycleway to Marazion.

Just off shore here is St Michael's Mount with an impressive priory on the hill, the better view of it is from further down the coast path to Perranuthnoe.

The closed footpath
After Perranuthnoe a notice on the path said it was closed because of a landslip on the cliff and suggested an alternative route.

Like the closed notice of a few days ago, because the bridge was washed away, it was only effective for 3 weeks until 5th March.

The orange webbing was still stretched across the path but I stepped over it. The path had cracks in it where the sections of cliff had started to slip away.

I don't think there's much can be done about it other than create a new path a bit higher up the slope.

Coasteerers at Cudden Pt
With it being the weekend and fine weather there were a lot of people on or about the path.

At Cudden Point I came across a group of "Coasteerers" working their way round the side of the cliffs and jumping off into the sea.

I took a short break and watched them until they moved on round the corner into the next bay/cove.

The photo captured one person doing a perfect backward somersault into the water.

Prussia Cove, Cudden Point
The coastline seemed to be broken up into groups of small rocky coves then bigger sandy bays.

I went round Kenneggy Sands then up onto the next headland, Hoe Point before dropping back down to Praa Sands.

There were no severe drops but where the path was along the side of slopes it meandered all over going up and down at will.

Praa Sands
The next headland after Praa Sands was Rinsey Head and an old Tin Mining chimney here was the one filmed in the series Poldark.

Rock climbing at Trewavas Hd
I took my second break at the next headland, Trewavas Head, where 3 groups of rock climbers were scaling the near vertical cliff faces.

The coastline from Trewavas
The next hour was along the slopes above the cliffs and then down to Porthleven.

Porthleven is in a valley and has a long harbour, a plaque on one of the buildings said Guy Penrose Gibson, Wing Commander of the Dam Busters was from this area. Penrose is the name of a hill and a nature reserve just outside the village.

From Porthleven there is a 2 mile stretch of sand to the next cove. I started walking along the beach but with the tide starting to come in and quite close to the high slopes of a small headland in the middle I wasn't sure I could make it in time. I wouldn't have been able to climb the slopes so I took the safe option and went back onto the path.

At the end of Porthleven Sands it was back onto the clifftop and round the coves.

I ended the day at Poldhu Cove at 15.40, 18 miles of sunshine.