
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
Whithorn to Auchencairn (29)
2517 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 163. Fri 18th Oct 2013 - Kirkcudbright to Mutehill, 5 miles (2517 miles walked)

Maclellan's Castle
Another short walk today, a mere 5 miles just to walk round the small peninsula of St Mary's Isle which protrudes into Kirkcudbright Bay.

There was no sunshine today and it doesn't look like I'll be seeing much over the next few days either.

Footpath round St Mary's Isle
It had been raining earlier but was dry for the walk.

I walked by the castle and the marina to get to the drive onto the isle.

It was another pleasant, quiet woodland walk all the way round the peninsula, a drive to start with and then a footpath round the end and back onto the drive out to the A711.

I continued on the main road for another mile as far as Mutehill, which is where I'll start walking from tomorrow with Mick.

Returning to Kirkcudbright I went into the library for an hour to use the internet to check over the routes for the next few days.

It was raining when I came out and it hasn't stopped.