
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
Sutton Br to Grimsby (62)
5476 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 358. Fri 27th Jun 2014 - Fleet Hargate to Wyberton, Boston, 18 miles (5476 miles walked)

I woke this morning to the sound of rain on the tent, I had been told that Friday's weather would be bad so it didn't come as too much of a surprise.

It was fairly light rain when I set off at 07.50 and I had all my waterproofs on, it seems a long while since I've needed them on.

River Welland
Like yesterday the route was all road walking, I had planned to use the footpath up and down the River Welland but because of the weather decided to stick to the "drier" roads.

There were no pavements to walk on today but they were all minor roads and fairly quiet.

I didn't expect to pass any shops on today's route and there wasn't much food in the rucsac. With only one sandwich left over from yesterday I was hoping one of the two pubs shown on the map would be serving food.

I went through Holbeach Hurn and on to Holbeach St Marks and from there it was just a case of following the cycle route signs.

The first pub was just at Fosdyke Bridge on the River Welland, I was there just after 11 o'clock but it was closed.

The rain had eased off and I stopped at midday to eat my one sandwich, shortly after that I was passing a couple of houses and a young chap who had just driven onto his drive spoke to me and invited me in for a cup of tea. George had just finished at college for the year and had been hoping to get his grass and hedge cut before going off on holiday.

The rain started again as I left George's and I could hear thunder in the distance.

The Camping Barn!
The cycle route continued through Skeldyke and Frampton where the second pub was, this time the pub had been closed for a long time and was up for sale so I was going to have to make do with just the bits & pieces of food left in the rucsac.

From Frampton it was only half an hour to the campsite at Canberra in Wyberton and I arrived at 14.15. Although it had stopped raining again the forecast was for more and heavier rain shortly and for it to last a while. Rod & Maureen said I could use their barn if I wanted and so I pitched the tent inside it.

I had just finished putting it up when a car pulled up outside and surprise, surprise here was Mick & Karen come to camp with me for the weekend. They took me to a pub for a meal so that was a bonus, certainly more filling than a packet of noodles.

18 miles today, with it being all on the road and raining I struggled to find anything to photograph so below are some of the different crops for you to identify that I have walked by today.

Crop A
Crop B

Crop C
Crop D