
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
Grimsby to Withernsea - The End (63)
5620 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 371. Thu 10th Jul 2014 - My final rest day (5620 miles walked)

This would be my last rest day before the big push to complete the remaining 10 miles in the 2 days. This day off also gave me chance to check over my campervan that I had left at my parents back in March.

I was expecting the battery to be flat but the camper started at the first attempt, though when I tried to drive it found that the brakes on one of the wheels had frozen on, it soon freed itself after a couple of short forward & reverse maneuvers.

I couldn't have picked a better day off as it rained all day.

A finish date had been fixed for my walk as quite a few family and friends wanted to join me on the last day.

Joyce & Andy, friends of my parents, had offered their house and services to host a barbecue after the completion of my walk and also let everyone camp there tomorrow and Saturday.